Monday, July 23, 2007

To Dumb To Live...

Anyone who reads romance has run across a heroine (or two or three) that really should be killed in order to put them out of their misery. The most civilized thing readers can do is toss the book aside.

I read a Heartsong Presents a few months ago that had the heroine reacting to meeting the daughter of the hero for the first time. It was something like, "She walked into the room and gasped at the sight of a young girl in a wheel chair."

I enjoy Inspirational Romance, but not all Christian women are such wimps and so delicate in nature...argh!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Dear So and So...

This week's prompt: Write a letter (or an email) to someone for whatever reason.

Actually, I have more than one, so bear with me. Here goes...

Dear "The One That I Can't Stand":

There have been a million things I have wanted to say to you over the years, but as usual I am tongue tied. I guess my brain is not a quick with the comebacks - all part of the whole writing thing I guess - I like to think out my responses and control my scenes. I like that control, Yup, I'm anal, so sue me!

OK - When I think of what I want to say, I'll get back to you.


Dear You-Know-Who-You-Are:

It's been a while since we talked and usually when I send you a note, it's generally chit chat about family and other things. This one is going to be different.

You lost out. I'd would have gone to hell and back for you. But order to get some guilt free nookie, you decided to do the "big" thing and dump me. It was probably the best thing you could have done for me, because I finally did find my happily ever after.

No Love From Me

More later...